Veigar Guide: Master the Tiny Master of Evil in League of Legends
Your AP mage that scales infinitely into late game, Veigar excels at bursting down enemies and controlling teamfights with his cage.
Core Strengths
- Infinite AP scaling through Passive
- Strong area control with Event Horizon (E)
- Excellent one-shot potential with Ultimate
- Great gank setup potential
Key Weaknesses
- Immobile and vulnerable to CC
- Weak early game
- Long cooldown on defensive ability (E)
- Struggles if shut down early
Early Game (1-5)
- Focus on farming and stacking Q passive
- Play defensively and avoid unnecessary trades
- Wait for jungler assistance before engaging
Mid Game (6-11)
- Start looking for aggressive plays after level 6
- Rotate to secure objectives after taking tower
- Use E to set up picks for your team
- Farm side lanes when possible to continue stacking
Late Game (12+)
- Stay with your team to avoid getting picked off
- Look for picks with E in choke points
- Use R to eliminate priority targets
- Control objectives with your zone control
Power Spikes
- Level 6: Access to full combo with Ultimate
- Level 9: Q maxed for consistent damage
- Level 11: Second point in R significantly increases burst
- Late game: Infinite AP scaling makes you a major threat
Tips for Success
- Stack your passive consistently throughout the game
- Position safely and use E defensively when needed
- Coordinate with your team for objective control
- Focus on catching out isolated targets
- Save ultimate for securing kills on priority targets
Team Contribution
- Zone control in teamfights
- High burst damage on priority targets
- Strong objective control
- Pick potential with E into full combo
Remember to coordinate with your team and position safely, as Veigar's lack of mobility makes him vulnerable to engages. Your late-game scaling makes you a formidable threat if you can survive the early game.
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