Braum Support Counter Picks & Matchups in League of Legends
A Comprehensive Counter Guide to Braum Support
Braum is a defensive support champion whose strength lies in his ability to protect allies and disrupt enemy engages. Here's how to effectively counter him:
Strong Counter Picks:
- Taric
- Vel'Koz
- Senna
- Sona
- Brand
Laning Phase Strategy:
- Keep one minion between you and Braum to block his Q
- Bait out his Unbreakable (E) before committing to trades
- Avoid standing near minions to prevent his Stand Behind Me (W) engage
- Focus on poking him when he approaches for relic shield executes
- Maintain distance from your ADC to avoid multiple-target ultimates
Key Weaknesses:
- Limited sustain in early game
- Vulnerable when Unbreakable (E) is on cooldown
- Struggles against sustained poke damage
- Weak to split-push strategies
Power Spike Awareness:
- Level 6 marks a significant increase in kill threat
- Early game is your best window to establish lane dominance
- Late game Braum becomes increasingly tanky and harder to deal with
Team Fight Tactics:
- Spread out to avoid multi-target ultimate impacts
- Focus on creating picks rather than 5v5 engagements
- Target Braum's ADC when his protective abilities are on cooldown
- Consider building Grievous Wounds if he's stacking health items
Remember that Braum excels in prolonged team fights but struggles against poke and disengage compositions. Prioritize early aggression and avoid clustering in late-game scenarios.
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