Comprehensive Braum Support Guide: Timings, Power Spikes, and Strategies
Braum is a defensive support champion who excels at protecting allies and disrupting enemy engages. His kit combines crowd control, damage mitigation, and teamfight utility, making him particularly effective against melee champions and assassins.
Key Power Spikes:
- Level 2: Gains all-in potential with Q+W combo
- Level 3: Unlocks full basic ability kit, enabling both offensive and defensive plays
- Level 6: Ultimate provides strong pick potential and teamfight disruption
- Level 11: Second point in Ultimate reduces cooldown
- Level 16: Final Ultimate upgrade offers frequent engagement opportunities
- Strong defensive capabilities with E (Unbreakable)
- Excellent peel and protection for carries
- Powerful teamfight presence with Ultimate and passive
- Effective against melee champions and assassins
- Vulnerable when E is on cooldown
- Can be bullied by ranged champions in lane
- Lacks reliable engage tools
- Heavily team-dependent
Gameplay Tips:
- Coordinate with ADC for passive stacks
- Save E (Unbreakable) for crucial moments
- Position carefully during laning phase
- Ward objectives and key areas
- Stay with team during late game
- Look for roaming opportunities after getting boots
Late Game Strategy:
- Focus on protecting carries
- Position frontline to maximize E effectiveness
- Use Ultimate for teamfight initiation or disengage
- Maintain vision control around objectives
- Stay grouped with team
- Look for picks with Ultimate + Flash combo
Remember to conserve abilities strategically and coordinate with your team for maximum effectiveness. Vision control and proper positioning are crucial for Braum's success throughout all game phases.
Tips for Success:
- Don't ward alone in late game
- Coordinate Ultimate usage with team
- Stay close to carries during teamfights
- Use E strategically to block key abilities
- Maintain presence in lane to prevent carries from being isolated
Note: The content gradually transitions through early, mid, and late game phases, providing comprehensive coverage of Braum's playstyle and strategic approach.
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