Pantheon Mid Guide: Build, Runes & Abilities for Patch 15.4.1
Based on the search intent and maintaining the value of the content, here's a clearer, more focused version:
Pantheon excels as an aggressive mid lane bruiser, combining strong early game pressure with excellent roaming potential. His kit allows him to dominate lane matchups and transition into a formidable threat across the map.
Core Strengths:
- Powerful early game damage
- Point-and-click CC with W
- Strong roaming potential with ultimate
- Dominates most melee matchups
- Easy to learn, high skill ceiling
Key Weaknesses:
- Limited mobility outside of W
- Can be kited by mobile champions
- Poor waveclear in late game
Ability Overview:
Passive - Immortal Will After 5 auto attacks or abilities, your next ability becomes empowered.
Q - Comet Spear
- Tap: Quick thrust dealing physical damage
- Hold: Throws spear for increased range
- Critically strikes targets below 20% health
- Max first for damage and waveclear
W - Shield Jump
- Point-and-click stun (1 second)
- Empowered version grants triple auto attack
- Max last
E - Aegis Assault
- Blocks frontal damage for 1.5 seconds
- Deals physical damage in cone
- Empowered grants 60% movement speed
- Max second
R - Grand Starfall
- Passive: Grants armor penetration
- Active: Leaps to target location, dealing damage and slowing enemies
- Grants maximum passive stacks on landing
Core Trading Combo: W -> AA -> Q -> AA -> E (Use empowered W for maximum damage)
Roaming Combo: R -> AA -> W -> AA -> Q -> E (Land directly on target for best results)
Build Path:
Starting Items:
- Long Sword + Refillable Potion
Core Items:
- Eclipse
- Youmuu's Ghostblade
- Black Cleaver
- Death's Dance (vs AD)
- Maw of Malmortius (vs AP)
- Guardian Angel (late game)
This flexible mid laner thrives on early aggression and map-wide pressure, making him an excellent choice for players who enjoy an active playstyle and strong kill potential.
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