Pantheon Support Guide: Master The Spartan's Off-Meta Role

Pantheon Support Guide: Master The Spartan's Off-Meta Role

By Marcus Chen

February 27, 2025 at 07:54 AM

Keep your stacks of the passive ready to maximize damage output and trade control in lane. At level 1, try to stack up your passive before any engages happen.

The W-empowered ability is your most powerful trading tool, as it grants an enhanced triple auto-attack that immediately restores 3 stacks. Use this to engage with Boosted W -> Triple Hit -> TapQ -> Auto -> Empowered E as your main combo.

Your Q ability can be either tapped for quick damage or charged for longer range. The tap version is generally preferred as it has a shorter cooldown and consistent damage. Save charged Q's for executing low health targets or poking from safety.

Key trading patterns:

  • Full stacks: Boosted W -> Triple Hit -> TapQ -> Auto -> Empowered E
  • 3 stacks: W -> Autos -> Boosted TapQ
  • 4 stacks: W -> Boosted TapQ -> Autos

Building stacks:

  • Land from ultimate for instant 5 stacks
  • TapQ minions while moving
  • Auto attack minions between trades
  • Time ability usage to maintain stacks efficiently



Starting items: Steel Shoulderguards, Health Potions

Core items:

  • Eclipse
  • Black Cleaver
  • Death's Dance


  • Maw of Malmortius vs AP
  • Guardian Angel for snowballing
  • Edge of Night vs CC

Maximize Q first, then W, and E last. Take W level 1 for strongest early lane presence. Use your semi-global ultimate for roaming and securing objectives across the map.

Defensive E usage blocks damage from the direction faced - time this to negate key enemy abilities. Early game trades should focus on short bursts with empowered abilities rather than extended fights.

Remember that Q critically strikes targets below 20% health - prioritize empowered Q execution damage in these scenarios. Position aggressively in lane but be ready to use E defensively if engaged upon.

Your role transitions from lane bully to diving carries and peeling threats in teamfights. Look for flanks with ultimate and focus on disrupting priority targets while protecting your ADC.

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