Ornn Guide: Pro Tips for the Ultimate Tank and Divine Blacksmith
Living Forge, Ornn's unique passive, enables item crafting outside base and late-game item upgrades for allies, making him a valuable asset to any team composition. As a tank with exceptional damage potential, he can significantly impact both lane dominance and teamfights.
Skill Priority & Leveling
- W - Bellows Breath (Max first)
- E - Searing Charge (Max second)
- Q - Volcanic Rupture (Max last)
For ranged matchups: Place 3 points in Q before maximizing W, while maintaining E second and Q last priority.
Early game flexibility: Consider Q-W-Q or Q-W-W for the strongest level 3 power spike.
Core Build Path Starting Items:
- Doran's Shield
- Health Potion
Essential Items:
- Sunfire Aegis
- Thornmail
- Spirit Visage
Situational Items:
- Randuin's Omen (vs crit-heavy teams)
- Abyssal Mask (vs magic damage)
- Frozen Heart (vs attack speed-based champions)
Key Strengths
- Strong lane presence
- Exceptional CC capabilities
- High burst damage potential
- Item crafting flexibility
- Late game scaling through item upgrades
Build Strategy Focus on health, armor, and magic resistance items. Include wave clear items to compensate for base ability damage limitations. Adapt build order based on enemy team composition and lane matchup.
As a frontline initiator, Ornn excels at creating opportunities for his team while maintaining impressive durability and damage output. His versatility in item crafting and upgrading makes him increasingly valuable as the game progresses.
Note: Build paths should be adjusted based on specific game situations and team compositions.
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