Mastering Nilah: Complete ADC Champion Guide for Season 15

Mastering Nilah: Complete ADC Champion Guide for Season 15

By Marcus Chen

February 27, 2025 at 06:01 AM

Perfect Synergy empowers Nilah to boost healing and shields for nearby allies. When allies heal or shield Nilah, they receive additional healing or shielding themselves. She also shares bonus experience with her closest ally when last-hitting minions.

Formless Blade (Q) has two components:

  • Passive: Attacks ignore armor and heal Nilah, scaling with crit chance
  • Active: Line attack that grants increased range and attack speed, dealing cone damage

Jubilant Veil (W) provides movement speed and 25% magic damage reduction while dodging basic attacks for 2.25 seconds. Allied champions touched gain protection for 1.5 seconds.

Slipstream (E) allows Nilah to dash through targets, dealing damage along the path. It holds 2 charges and can be combined with Q for additional damage.

Apotheosis (R) pulls enemies to center while dealing damage. It heals Nilah and nearby allies based on damage dealt, converting excess healing to shields. Scales with crit chance.

Skill Order Priority:

  1. R (whenever possible at 6/11/16)
  2. Q (primary damage ability)
  3. E (mobility)
  4. W (utility)

Early Game (1-5):

  1. Q start for wave control
  2. E at level 2 for mobility
  3. W at level 3
  4. Prioritize E at levels 4-5

Build Path:

  • Core Stats: AD, Attack Speed, Crit
  • Later: Armor Penetration, Lifesteal
  • Full potential requires 4+ items

Best Supports:

  • Engage: Nautilus, Leona
  • Enchanters: Taric, Soraka

Nilah excels with team fight oriented compositions and counters auto-attack reliant champions. Her ultimate combines well with crowd control effects, making her a strong team fighter.



Note: All image placements maintained as per original document, though URLs were undefined in the source content.

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