Kennen Top Counter Picks & Counters - Complete Guide
Laning Against Kennen - Key Counter Tips
Kennen is a versatile ranged champion who excels in teamfights and sustained trading. Here's how to counter him effectively:
Basic Lane Strategy:
- Play safe and sacrifice CS when needed
- Watch for his energy levels and stun stacks
- Avoid extended trades where he can stack his passive
- Build defensive items based on his build path (AP or AD)
Combat Tips:
- Disengage quickly when he approaches with ultimate
- Maintain side vision to prevent flanks
- Harass him before teamfights to reduce engage potential
- Keep distance in teamfights to avoid AoE damage

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Best Counter Picks:
- Heimerdinger
- Olaf
- Swain
- Vladimir
- Singed
Strong picks against Kennen:
- Yorick
- Pantheon
- Urgot
- Ryze
- Malphite
Notable Power Spikes:
- Level 6 (Ultimate unlock)
- First item completion
- Team fight phase
Key Teamfight Tactics:
- Avoid tight spaces like jungle corridors
- Maintain spread formation
- Don't cluster in Dragon or Baron pit
- Focus on peel and disengage strategies
Remember to adapt your playstyle based on Kennen's build path and maintain proper spacing during all phases of the game.
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