Nidalee Jungle Guide: Best Tips To Master The Shape-shifting Huntress
Nidalee is a highly mobile assassin jungler known for her strong early and mid-game presence. As a shapeshifter, she switches between human and cougar forms, each with unique abilities that require precise timing and mechanical skill.
Core Abilities:
- Passive (Prowl): Gains movement speed in brush and when moving toward hunted targets
- Human Q (Javelin Toss): Long-range spear that deals more damage at distance
- Human W (Bushwhack): Places traps that reveal and damage enemies
- Human E (Primal Surge): Heals and grants attack speed to allies
- R (Aspect of the Cougar): Transforms between human and cougar form
Optimal Skill Order: R > Q > E > W
Standard Combo: Human Q > R > Cougar W > E > Auto Attack > Q
- Exceptional early game pressure
- High burst damage potential
- Strong objective control
- Excellent mobility
- Effective counter-jungling
- Skill-shot dependent
- No hard CC
- Falls off late game
- Squishy build
- Requires significant practice
Best Matchups:
- Lee Sin
- Nocturne
- Viego
- Lillia
- Karthus
- Graves
Challenging Matchups:
- Rek'Sai
- Rammus
- Fiddlesticks
- Sejuani
- Zac
- Nunu
Core Build:
- Night Harvester/Rocketbelt
- Sorcerer's Shoes
- Shadowflame
- Void Staff
- Rabadon's Deathcap
Strategy Tips:
- Focus on early game invasion and pressure
- Track enemy jungler for counter-ganking
- Secure vision control for safer picks
- Prioritize objectives after successful ganks
- End games early before scaling falls off
Nidalee excels in coordinated teams and requires extensive practice to master. Success depends on maintaining early advantages and converting them into objectives before late game.
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