Mastering Maokai Support: Ultimate Guide to the Twisted Treant
Maokai is a powerful support tank champion with extensive crowd control (CC) abilities and excellent team fight presence. His kit excels at both engaging fights and protecting allies.
Core Strengths:
- Strong CC abilities for engage and peel
- Ultimate provides long-range engagement
- Excellent vision control with saplings (E)
- High durability in team fights
- Strong objective control
Power Spikes:
- Level 2: First significant spike with CC combo potential
- Level 6: Major spike with Ultimate unlock
- Level 9: E ability maxed, increasing brush control
- Late game: Enhanced tankiness and team fight presence
Early Game Strategy:
- Place saplings in lane brushes for control
- Begin ganking at level 3
- Purchase boots early for roaming potential
- Focus on poking with saplings before all-ins
Mid Game Approach:
- Look for picks with jungle invades
- Set up vision with saplings
- Peel for carries in team fights
- Utilize choke points for maximum CC impact
Late Game Focus:
- Initiate team fights with Ultimate
- Protect backline carries
- Control objectives with brush presence
- Leverage fog of war for engagement
- Vulnerable early game
- Countered by Grievous Wounds
- Dependent on proper vision control
- Limited effectiveness without brush control
Tips for Success:
- Use Ultimate from fog of war for surprise engages
- Combine E slow with W for guaranteed CC
- Coordinate with jungler for invades
- Maintain constant brush control
- Focus high-priority targets in team fights
Best played with aggressive ADCs who can follow up on engages. Excels in objective-focused gameplay and team compositions that benefit from strong frontline presence.
Common Counters:
- Ranged supports
- Champions with strong early game
- Mobile carries
- Anti-tank champions
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