Master Yi: Ultimate Jungle Carry Guide for Patch 15.4.1
Master Yi excels as a high-damage jungler who can carry games through efficient farming and well-timed engagements. His simple yet effective kit makes him particularly strong in lower elos, while maintaining viability at higher ranks with proper mechanics.
Core Abilities Overview
- Q (Alpha Strike): Main damage ability, provides untargetability
- W (Meditate): Healing and damage reduction
- E (Wuju Style): True damage on auto attacks
- R (Highlander): Movement speed and attack speed steroid
Optimal Runes Precision:
- Lethal Tempo
- Triumph
- Legend: Alacrity
- Last Stand
- Sudden Impact
- Ravenous Hunter
Ability Maxing Order Q > E > W (Take R whenever possible)
- Q max first for jungle clear speed
- E second for increased damage output
- W last as utility skill
Core Build Path Starting Items:
- Emberknife
- Refillable Potion
Core Items:
- Kraken Slayer
- Blade of the Ruined King
- Death's Dance
Situational Items:
- Wit's End (vs AP)
- Guardian Angel (vs AD)
- Ravenous Hydra (split pushing)
Early Game Strategy
- Focus on efficient jungle clearing
- Look for isolated targets for ganks
- Secure early objectives when possible
- Build power through farming until core items
Power Spikes
- Level 6: Ultimate gives significant 1v1 potential
- Kraken Slayer completion: Major damage increase
- Blade of the Ruined King: Enhanced dueling power
- Vulnerable to CC
- Weak early game
- Team-reliant before items
- Countered by coordinated teams
Master Yi becomes extremely powerful with items but requires proper timing and target selection in teamfights. Focus on farm early, pick smart engagements, and scale into late game where you can carry through split pushing or teamfight clean-up.
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