The Complete Maokai Support Guide: Season 15 Tank Build and Strategy
The twisted treant Maokai is a powerful tank support champion who excels at engaging enemies and protecting allies. While his previous AP-focused playstyle has evolved, he remains a strong pick in the support role with his crowd control abilities and durability.
Core Abilities
- Q (Bramble Smash): Primary damage source that knocks back and slows enemies
- W (Twisted Advance): Targeted root for reliable engage
- E (Sapling Toss): Vision control and zone control tool
- R (Nature's Grasp): Game-changing ultimate that roots multiple enemies
Ability Order
- Level 1: Q (Bramble Smash) for safe laning
- Max Priority: Q > W > E
- Take R at levels 6/11/16
Passive (Sap Magic) Heals Maokai on basic attacks after ability casts, scaling with maximum health. Cooldown reduces when hit by enemy abilities or when casting spells.

Person wearing gaming headset
Item Build Starting Items:
- Steel Shoulderguards
- 2 Health Potions
Core Items:
- Locket of the Iron Solari
- Dead Man's Plate
- Knight's Vow
Situational Items:
- Thornmail (vs heavy AD/healing)
- Force of Nature (vs heavy AP)
- Zeke's Convergence (with auto-attack ADC)
- Abyssal Mask (if team needs more magic damage)
Playstyle Tips
- Use E for vision control and bush checking
- Cast R at angles up to 90 degrees for faster root impact
- Chain CC with teammates for maximum effectiveness
- Remember to weave auto-attacks for passive healing
- Position aggressively in lane to zone enemies
- Look for W engages when enemy key abilities are on cooldown
Focus on building tank items that provide utility for your team rather than pure survivability, as your role is to enable teammates while staying alive in teamfights.
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