League of Legends: Complete Maokai Jungle Guide - Champion Build & Strategy
Maokai is a versatile tank jungler who excels at providing crowd control and initiating team fights. His flexibility allows for various build paths, from full tank to AP or hybrid support builds.
Ability Priority
- Q (Bramble Smash) → E (Sapling Toss) → W (Twisted Advance)
- Max order: Q > E > W
Key Tips:
- Start and max Q first for efficient jungle clear
- Use E (Sapling) in bushes for enhanced damage
- W is primarily for ganking and mobility between camps
- Throw E into top lane bush while clearing Gromp for optimal clear efficiency
Core Items:
- Starting: Emberknife + Refillable Potion
- Core Build: Sunfire Aegis, Thornmail, Spirit Visage
- Situational: Demonic Embrace, Force of Nature, Randuin's Omen
- Strong CC capabilities
- Reliable ganking potential
- Flexible build paths
- Excellent team fight presence
- Good objective control
Early Game Strategy:
- Focus on efficient clearing with Q
- Place saplings strategically in bushes
- Look for gank opportunities post level 3
- Counter-jungle when safe due to good sustain
- Secure early objectives with strong CC
Build Path Strategy: Focus on tank items that provide:
- Health
- Armor
- Magic resistance
- AoE damage for jungle clearing
Maokai excels at creating opportunities for teammates while being difficult to take down. His versatile build paths allow adaptation to match team needs and enemy composition.
Note: All existing information has been preserved and restructured for better readability and search engine optimization while maintaining the core educational value.
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