Master Yi Champion Guide: Dominating The Jungle In Patch 15.4.1
Master Yi functions as a jungle assassin who excels at high-speed clearing and devastating single-target damage. His kit combines simplicity with powerful scaling, making him particularly dangerous in the late game.
Core Abilities
- Q (Alpha Strike): Primary damage ability and jungle clear tool. Becomes untargetable during cast.
- W (Meditate): Healing ability that enables extended jungle farming
- E (Wuju Style): True damage boost to auto attacks
- R (Highlander): Movement and attack speed steroid
Skill Order Priority
- Q (Alpha Strike)
- E (Wuju Style)
- W (Meditate) Max Q first for faster jungle clear and increased damage output.
Optimal Build Path
Starting Items
- Hailblade
- Refillable Potion
Core Items
- Kraken Slayer
- Blade of the Ruined King
- Guinsoo's Rageblade
Situational Items
- Death's Dance (vs AD)
- Wit's End (vs AP)
- Guardian Angel (when ahead)
- Lethal Tempo
- Triumph
- Legend: Alacrity
- Last Stand
- Sudden Impact
- Ravenous Hunter
Gameplay Strategy
- Focus on power farming early game
- Look for isolated targets to pick off
- Time Alpha Strike to dodge crucial CC abilities
- Use Meditate for tower dives and sustain
- Activate E after Q to maximize damage output
- Split push when behind to catch up in gold
- Excellent objective control
- Strong late game scaling
- Fast jungle clear
- High single-target damage
- Vulnerable to CC
- Weak early game
- Team-reliant before items
- Struggles against organized teams
Master Yi thrives in chaos and excels at punishing positioning mistakes. Success with Yi requires balanced farming and ganking, with careful timing of Alpha Strike to avoid crucial crowd control.
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