Maokai Support Guide: Best Tank Support Build & Strategy | Season 14
Maokai is a powerful tank support champion who excels at engaging enemies and protecting allies. His versatile kit and high durability make him a reliable choice in the support role.
Core Abilities Overview
- Passive (Sap Magic): Heals Maokai on auto-attacks, with healing scaling based on max health. Cooldown reduces when using or receiving abilities.
- Q (Bramble Smash): Damages and pushes back nearby enemies while slowing them
- W (Twisted Advance): Root target enemy and dash to them
- E (Sapling Toss): Throws a sapling that explodes on contact or when enemies approach
- R (Nature's Grasp): Sends waves of roots that snare enemies, with duration increasing based on travel distance
Skill Order Priority:
- Q (Bramble Smash)
- W (Twisted Advance)
- E (Sapling Toss)
- R whenever available
Level 1 Ability Choice:
- Q: Best for standard lane start
- W: Optimal for level 1 invades
- E: Useful for vision control and bush checking
Core Item Build:
- Starting: Steel Shoulderguards + Health Potions
- Core Items: Evenshroud, Plated Steelcaps, Knight's Vow
- Situational: Thornmail, Force of Nature, Frozen Heart
Playstyle Tips:
- Use saplings (E) for vision control and zone control
- Save W for guaranteed engages or peeling threats
- Position R at angles to maximize hit chance
- Utilize passive healing during trades and teamfights
- Focus on peeling for carries in teamfights
Maokai functions best as a defensive tank support who can transition into an engage champion when needed. His ability to control space with saplings and lock down targets makes him particularly effective in coordinated play.
Laning Strategy:
- Establish bush control with saplings
- Look for Q-W combinations during trades
- Protect ADC using crowd control abilities
- Coordinate ganks with jungler using reliable CC chain
Remember that Maokai's strength lies in his ability to both engage and peel, making him a versatile support pick that can adapt to various team compositions and playstyles.
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