Lissandra Mid Lane Guide: Master the Ice Witch in Season 14
Lissandra excels in team fights and ganking, particularly against squishy champions. Her strong wave clear and roaming potential make her a formidable mid laner.
- Excellent team fight presence through flanking
- Strong gank setup with W and R
- Fast wave clear and roaming capabilities
- High pick potential
- Strong AoE damage
- Must commit to all-ins
- Ultimate serves more utility than damage
- Struggles when behind
- Requires team coordination
Early Game Strategy
- Play safely until level 3
- Focus on farming and wave management
- Begin aggressive plays once comfortable
- Look for roaming opportunities after pushing wave
Mid Game Approach
- Rotate to side lanes for farm and XP
- Seek isolated targets for picks
- Convert kills into objectives
- Push side lanes when no objectives are available
Late Game Tactics
- Wait for Ultimate and Zhonya's before engaging
- Peel for carries using abilities
- Stay grouped but position from flanks
- Use Ultimate on priority targets
Power Spikes
- Level 6: Chain CC potential
- Level 9: Maxed Q damage
- Level 11: Increased Ultimate frequency
- Full item completions: Significant AoE damage increase
Team Fighting Tips
- Position for flanks
- Focus on CC'ing priority targets
- Utilize AoE abilities in grouped fights
- Coordinate Ultimate usage with team
Key Notes
- First item enhances wave clear
- Multiple Q points increase damage output
- Most effective when team coordinates
- Excels at picking off isolated targets
Remember to always maintain vision control and coordinate with your team for optimal engagement opportunities.
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