Lissandra Mid Lane Counter Guide and Best Matchups
Lissandra Counter Guide
Laning Phase Strategy:
- Stay outside minion waves to force Lissandra to choose between pushing or poking
- Keep safe distance at level 6 due to increased kill pressure
- Maintain proper vision to avoid jungler ganks
- Melee champions should maintain max range to avoid her W crowd control
Key Counter Tips:
- Avoid grouping closely to prevent multi-target CC
- Exploit her Ultimate cooldown window for team fights
- Counter her wave clear by poking her out of lane
- Split up your team formation to minimize her AoE impact
Power Spike Awareness:
- Level 6: Increased kill potential and gank setup
- Team Fight Phase: Maximum impact with AOE abilities
- First Item Completion: Enhanced wave clear ability

Lissandra Ice Witch thumbnail portrait
Strong Counters:
- Swain
- Anivia
- Taliyah
- Annie
- Vel'Koz
Vulnerable Against:
- Cassiopeia
- Cho'Gath
- Zoe
- Xerath
- Jayce
Mid-Tier Matchups:
- Malzahar
- Sylas
- Azir
- Viktor
- Syndra
Severe Counters:
- Hard
- Hard
- Hard
Remember to prioritize wave management and maintain vision control to prevent Lissandra from capitalizing on her roaming potential and team fight strengths.
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