League of Legends: Ultimate Draven Bot Lane Guide - Strategy & Tips
Draven is an aggressive ADC champion with unique axe-catching mechanics that can dominate lanes and generate substantial gold leads through his passive ability.
Core Strengths:
- Exceptional early game damage output
- Strong 1v1 potential against most ADCs
- Ability to generate extra gold through passive stacks
- Powerful level 6 power spike with damaging ultimate
Key Gameplay Tips:
- Play aggressively in lane to capitalize on early strength
- Maintain axe catches (Q) during trades and fights
- Coordinate with support for kill pressure
- Call for ganks when holding many passive stacks
- Rotate to mid after taking bottom tower
Important Positioning:
- Stay near support during all phases
- Position behind frontline in teamfights
- Avoid overextending when carrying stacks
- Use E ability for self-peel
- Focus nearest enemy while managing axes
Power Spikes:
- Level 6: Ultimate provides strong all-in potential
- Level 9: Q maxed, highest trading potential
- Level 13: Second ability maxed for added protection
- Level 16: Ultimate upgrade for increased execution damage
Late Game Strategy:
- Focus on positioning and kiting
- Stay with team at all times
- Avoid isolated situations
- Save E for self-protection
- Use ultimate for multi-target damage in teamfights
Success with Draven requires mastering axe management while maintaining aggressive pressure and safe positioning. The reward is potentially higher gold generation and strong carry potential throughout all game phases.
Champion Difficulty Level: Hard
Related Champions:
- Hard
- Hard
- Hard
- Average