Complete Lissandra Mid Counter Guide: Best Picks and Tips
Lissandra is a powerful mid-lane control mage known for her strong waveclear and crowd control abilities. Understanding how to counter her effectively is crucial for success in lane and teamfights.
Strong Counters vs Lissandra:
- Swain
- Anivia
- Taliyah
- Vel'Koz
- Annie

Lissandra Ice Witch thumbnail portrait
Laning Phase Tips:
- Position outside the minion wave to force Lissandra to choose between pushing or poking
- Maintain good vision control post-level 6 to avoid jungle ganks
- As melee champions, maintain max range to avoid her W (Ring of Frost)
- Watch for her Q and E wave clear patterns
- Avoid taking unnecessary damage when farming
Strategic Counters:
- Keep your team spread out to minimize her AOE damage potential
- Capitalize when her Ultimate is on cooldown
- Counter her wave clear by matching her push or forcing her out of lane
- Track her roaming potential and communicate with side lanes
Power Spike Windows:
- Level 6: Ultimate provides strong kill pressure and gank setup
- First item completion: Significantly improved wave clear
- Team fight phase: AOE abilities and passive become highly impactful
Counter Matchups Overview:
- Long-range mages can effectively poke and farm safely
- Champions with good wave clear can match her pushing power
- Mobile champions can dodge her skill shots and disengage from fights
Remember to maintain proper positioning, respect her crowd control abilities, and coordinate with your team to overcome her strong teamfight presence.
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