League of Legends: Tryndamere Complete Patch History & Changes
Stats changes:
- Attack speed ratio increased to 0.694 from 0.61
- Armor growth increased to 4.8 from 4.3
- Base bonus AD reduced to 5/10/15/20/25 from 10/15/20/25/30
- Heal ratio adjusted to scale with Fury and AP
Spinning Slash:
- Base damage reduced to 75/105/135/165/195 from 80/110/140/170/200
- Cooldown now scales with rank and resets on critical strikes
- Hitbox radius standardized to 225 at all ranks
Battle Fury:
- Critical strike chance increased to 0-50% based on Fury from 0-40%
- Modified to scale with Fury consistently across levels
Undying Rage:
- Cooldown reduced to 120/100/80 seconds from 130/110/90
- Now shows remaining duration in ability HUD icon
- Fixed bug interactions with other revival effects
- Will flash white at ability end
Notable General Changes:
- New visual effects for abilities and base model
- Base stats adjusted multiple times to balance power
- Movement speed increased to 345 from 320
- Model size increased by 20%
- Now uses Fury resource system
- Quality of life improvements like range indicators and tooltip clarity
Historical patches have generally focused on adjusting Tryndamere's sustain and critical strike scaling while maintaining his core identity as a high-damage melee carry with strong survivability through Undying Rage.
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