League of Legends Winter Games Update V1.0.0.74
League of Legends Patch V1.0.0.74 introduces Winter Olympics-themed skins and significant game updates.
New Limited-Time Winter Olympics Skins (Feb 12 - Mar 2):
- Ice Toboggan Corki
- Vancouver Amumu
- Curling Veigar
- Union Jack Fiddlesticks
- Team Spirit Anivia
- Festival Kassadin
- Whistler Village Twitch
- The Mighty Jax

Winter Games banner 2010
Special Valentine's Day Release:
- Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate (Available Feb 10)

Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate
Key PVP.net Updates (V1.05.14):
- New logout function added
- Fixed game browser sorting
- Improved friends list performance
- Added Most Played Champions visibility
- Fixed win/leave stats display
Notable Champion Changes:
- Ryze received significant base stat buffs
- Gragas's Drunken Rage cooldown reduced
- Katarina's abilities rebalanced
- Zilean's Rewind cooldown significantly reduced
Item Updates:
- Guinsoo's Rageblade fixes and improvements
- Various item cost adjustments
- New recipe combinations
General Improvements:
- Enhanced in-game chat system with new commands
- Baron Nashor now applies attack speed reduction debuff
- Fixed multiple game server crashes
- Improved inventory interface
- Healing reduction effects no longer stack
The patch brought substantial quality-of-life improvements while introducing festive content celebrating the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics.
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