League of Legends: Tiamat Item Guide & Analysis
Tiamat is a melee-focused item that provides area damage capabilities through both passive and active effects.
- Attack Damage: 20
- Cost: 1200 gold (2x Long Sword + 500g)
Passive - Cleave
- Basic attacks deal 75% AD physical damage to nearby enemies
- Doesn't work against structures
- Not blocked by spell shields
- Triggers even if the basic attack doesn't deal damage
Active - Crescent
- Deals area physical damage around you
- 10-second cooldown
- Blocked by spell shields
- Cast time equals user's attack windup
- Breaks stealth when used
Key Features
- Can be purchased on both melee and ranged champions
- Builds into Ravenous Hydra, Titanic Hydra, Profane Hydra, and Stridebreaker
- Part of the "Cleave" item group limitation
Cost Analysis
- Base stats value: 700g (20 AD × 35g)
- Gold efficiency: 58.33%
Historical Notes
- Named after Tiamat, the dragon goddess from Babylonian mythology
- Has undergone numerous changes since release:
- Originally had health and mana regeneration
- Damage type changed from magical to physical
- Active ability mechanics refined
- Recipe and stats adjusted multiple times
Important Tips
- Crescent's radius is centered offset from the user in their facing direction
- Active ability can be interrupted if the item slot changes during cast
- Cleave damage scales with distance from the target
- Particularly effective for wave clear and jungle clearing
Latest Changes
- Cast time now matches champion's attack windup
- Cleave AD ratio increased to 75%
- Now builds into Stridebreaker
- Range indicator properly offset by 100 units
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