League of Legends Patch 14.24 Preview: 17 Champions Getting Balance Updates
Patch 14.24 brings several champion adjustments to League of Legends. Here's what we know so far:
Champions Receiving Changes:
- Master Yi
- Rell
- Rumble
- Twitch
- Yuumi
- Ambessa
- Corki
- Elise
- Graves
- Leblanc
- Dr Mundo
- Riven
- Swain
- Talon
- Viktor
- Warwick
- Poppy
LoL post-game match stats display
Keep in mind that these changes are currently being tested on the PBE (Public Beta Environment) and may be adjusted before the final release.
Corki riding dragon in flight
Corki, a flying yordle pilot
Note: Specific details about champion adjustments will be confirmed when the official patch notes are released.