Riot admits mistake, plans rework of League's First Blood Feats mechanic
League of Legends' new Feats of Strength system is getting an early rework, with Riot Games acknowledging issues with the first blood requirement just two days after release.
Darius, Noxian warrior in battle pose
The Noxus-themed season introduced three main objectives for players to earn Triumphant boots upgrades:
- First blood (killing an enemy champion)
- First turret takedown
- First to slay three epic monster camps
Map of Noxus region
League's lead designer Matt "Phroxzon" Leung-Harrison revealed that while the system's overall impact is balanced, the first blood requirement is causing unnecessary friction. The main issues are:
- First blood feels too arbitrary and random
- Creates unnatural early-game pressure
- Disadvantages certain team compositions
- Doesn't provide equal opportunities for both teams
Unlike first blood, the other objectives (turret takedown and monster camps) provide more strategic depth and comeback potential through their inherent time requirements and defensive mechanics.
Riot plans to replace the first blood component with an alternative objective in either patch 15.2 or 15.3. The developer admitted they should have addressed this issue before release but committed to learning from this experience and improving future implementations.
[Remaining images maintained as per original article]