League of Legends: Complete Pyke Patch History & Changes
Here's a concise chronological patch history for Pyke in League of Legends:
Latest Changes
- Bug Fix: Voice lines for kills and Death from Below executions now play properly
- Base armor reduced to 43 from 47
- Ghostwater Dive cooldown increased to 14/13/12/11/10s from 12/11/10/9/8
- Mana cost increased to 65 from 50
Recent Major Updates
Bone Skewer (Q)
- Base damage increased to 100/150/200/250/300
- Bonus AD ratio increased to 75% from 60%
- Mana cost reduced to 70/75/80/85/90
Ghostwater Dive (W)
- Base movement speed increased to 45% from 40%
- Movement speed lethality ratio increased to 2% per lethality
Gift of the Drowned Ones (Passive)
- Now stores 9% damage as grey health (+0.2% per lethality)
- Multiple enemies nearby increases storage to 40% (+0.4% per lethality)
- Grey health cap reduced to 55% max health
Death from Below (R)
- Cooldown reduced to 100/85/70s from 120/100/80
- No longer grants Your Cut to Pyke on executes
- Reduced Your Cuts from assists to 1 from 2
Key Balance Changes
- Base health increased to 670 from 600
- Health growth increased to 104 from 90
- Armor growth increased to 4.7 from 3.5
- Magic resistance growth increased to 2.05 from 1.25
The patch history continues with earlier changes, but these represent the most significant recent updates affecting Pyke's gameplay.
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