League of Legends Masterwork Items System Overhaul
Here's the concise, valuable rewrite of Ornn's patch history focusing on the most important changes:
Ornn's passive, Living Forge, received significant updates throughout his evolution. The most notable change allows him to craft non-consumable items anywhere on the field and upgrade Legendary items into Masterwork versions for himself and allies.
Key Ability Changes:
Living Forge:
- Now grants Masterwork upgrades at level 13
- All Legendary items can be upgraded (excluding Mejai's, support items, and Tear upgrades)
- Upgraded items receive precisely 1000 gold worth of stat increases
Bellows Breath (W):
- Cooldown adjusted to 12/11.5/11/10.5/10 seconds
- Now grants displacement immunity for 0.75 seconds
- Removed shield effect
- Brittle duration reduced to 3 seconds
Searing Charge (E):
- Damage increased significantly with improved scaling
- Terrain collision range increased to 150
- Mana cost adjusted to be more efficient
Call of the Forge God (R):
- Cooldown adjusted to 140/120/100 seconds
- Maximum speed increased to 1200
- Second cast knockup duration reduced to 1 second
- Brittle duration reduced to 3 seconds
Notable Base Stat Changes:
- Base health increased to 660
- Health growth increased to 109
- Armor growth increased to 5.2
- Magic resistance growth improved to 2.05
These changes have solidified Ornn's role as a tanky forge master while balancing his powerful item upgrade mechanic and crowd control abilities.
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