League of Legends Champion: Sivir - Battle Merchant of Shurima
Sivir is a powerful ranged marksman champion in League of Legends who excels at pushing waves and team fighting. She wields a magical crossblade called the Chalicar and hails from Shurima.
Key Abilities:
Fleet of Foot (Passive)
- Gains bonus movement speed when hitting enemy champions with abilities or basic attacks
- Speed boost decays over 1.5 seconds
Boomerang Blade (Q)
- Throws crossblade that deals physical damage to enemies hit
- Returns to Sivir dealing damage again
- Damage increases with critical strike chance
Ricochet (W)
- Empowers basic attacks to bounce between multiple enemies
- Grants bonus attack speed
- Can execute low health minions
- Critical strikes carry over to bounces
Spell Shield (E)
- Blocks next enemy ability
- Heals Sivir when successfully blocking
- Activates movement speed passive
On the Hunt (R)
- Grants movement speed to Sivir and nearby allies
- Basic attacks reduce ability cooldowns while active
- Duration refreshes on takedowns

Sivir character render
Core Tips:
- Use Spell Shield to avoid key abilities and sustain in lane
- Time Ricochet to maximize waveclear and teamfight damage
- Position aggressively with ultimate's speed boost
- Coordinate ultimate with team engages
Her straightforward but effective kit makes her an excellent choice for players learning the marksman role while still having high potential in skilled hands.
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