Vayne Guide: Master the Night Hunter in Season 14
Equipment and build path for Vayne focuses on maximizing her strengths as an on-hit champion. Here's what you need:
Starting Items:
- Doran's Blade + Health Potion
Core Items:
- Blade of the Ruined King (First major item)
- Guinsoo's Rageblade
- Phantom Dancer
Situational Items:
- Wit's End (vs magic damage)
- Death's Dance (vs burst damage)
- Guardian Angel (when ahead)
- Mercurial Scimitar (vs heavy CC)
Ability Sequence:
- Start with Q (Tumble) at level 1
- Max W (Silver Bolts) first
- Max Q second
- Max E (Condemn) last
- Take R (Final Hour) at levels 6/11/16
Core Abilities:
- Passive: Night Hunter - Gain 30 MS when moving toward enemy champions
- Q: Tumble - Short dash with enhanced auto-attack
- W: Silver Bolts - Deal true damage on third consecutive hit
- E: Condemn - Push and potentially stun enemies against walls
- R: Final Hour - Stealth on tumble, bonus AD, and triple passive MS
Playstyle Tips:
- Focus on farming safely during early game
- Use Q to reposition and dodge skillshots
- Look for wall stuns with E in jungle fights
- Activate R before engaging in important fights
- Target isolated enemies when possible
The goal is to scale into late game where Vayne becomes one of the strongest duelists in League of Legends. Early game focuses on survival and farming, while late game allows for aggressive plays and outplay potential.

Man in black shirt headshot