Xayah Champion Guide: Master The Deadly Feather Marksman
Xayah is a highly-scaling marksman who excels at taking down enemies with razor-sharp feathers while maintaining strong self-peel capabilities. Her kit makes her particularly effective in SoloQ, combining aggressive playmaking potential with strong defensive options.
Core Strengths:
- Strong early-game poke damage
- Powerful mid-game powerspikes
- Excellent counter-engage potential
- Effective against low-range marksmen
Notable Weaknesses:
- Relatively short attack range
- Struggles against long-range champions
- Less effective in forward-playing team compositions
Ability Priority:
- E - Bladecaller (Max first)
- W - Whirling Blades (Max second)
- Q - Double Daggers (Max last)
- R - Raging Feathers (Level at 6, 11, 16)
Skill Order Flexibility:
- Standard Start: Q level 1 for poke and wave control
- Aggressive Start: W level 1 when paired with Rakan or against weak level 1 lanes
- Always take E by level 3 for root potential
Key Ability Combos:
- Quick Root: Q -> AA -> E or AA -> Q -> E
- All-in: W -> AA -> Q -> E
- Defensive: R -> E (for disengage and counter-engage)
Passive Management: "Razor Sharp Feathers" leaves feathers after abilities and empowered auto attacks. Strategic feather placement is crucial for maximizing damage and root potential.
Ultimate Usage: Raging Feathers provides 1.5 seconds of untargetability while creating feather patterns. Use it to:
- Dodge crucial abilities
- Set up counter-engages
- Create feather patterns for E follow-up

Man in black shirt headshot
Build Path Focus:
- Primary Stats: AD, Attack Speed, Crit
- Secondary Stats: Armor Penetration, Lifesteal
- Requires minimum 4 items for full potential
This comprehensive guide is maintained by Christian "Relentless" Ruppelt, a Master 270LP player.
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