League of Legends: Best Warwick Jungle Counters & How To Win
Warwick is a strong early game jungler known for his objective control and ganking potential. Here's how to counter him effectively:
Early Game Strategy
- Place deep vision in river and jungle entrances to track ganks
- Contest Scuttle Crab for vision control, especially on bot side
- Match his early pressure with counter-ganks or jungle invades
- Watch for level 6 power spike and his Ultimate ability

Warwick Blood Hunter in combat stance
Teamfight Counters
- Ward flanks to prevent surprise Ultimate engages
- Use poke and disengage tactics to whittle down his health
- Build Quicksilver Sash (QSS) to counter Ultimate CC
- Save Flash for escaping his Ultimate when possible
Objective Control
- Track Dragon and Herald attempts closely
- Maintain vision on major objectives
- Be aware of his solo objective potential
- Contest with team coordination
Strong Counters:
- Udyr
- Sylas
- Fiddlesticks
- Evelynn
- Shyvana
Late Game
- Warwick's power decreases late game but remains threatening
- Focus on protecting key targets from Ultimate
- Maintain vision control to prevent picks
- Continue to respect his objective control potential
Remember that while Warwick's effectiveness diminishes in late game, a well-timed Ultimate can still decide teamfights. Prioritize vision control and protective itemization throughout the match.
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