Vi Jungle Guide 2024: Early Game Power and Objective Control
Vi excels as an early game jungler with strong dueling potential and objective control. Her abilities make her particularly effective at securing early advantages through ganks and neutral objectives.
Early Game Strengths
- Powerful duelist when landing full ability combo
- Strong objective control through Passive and W
- Effective ganks with Q (Vault Breaker)
- Can secure early dragons after successful ganks
Key Weaknesses
- Vulnerable when Q misses during ganks
- No escape after engaging
- Falls off late game against defensive builds
- Must choose between peeling and assassination late game
Early Game Strategy
- Focus on frequent ganks to snowball lanes
- Secure objectives whenever available
- Balance ganking with jungle farm to maintain XP
- Use Q carefully to avoid overextending

Vi clearing blue jungle path
Mid Game Approach
- Prioritize drake control for Dragon Soul
- Look for picks with Ultimate (R)
- Continue farming to avoid falling behind
- Use objective control to take towers and neutrals
Late Game Tactics
- Flank from unwarded areas to access backline
- Stay grouped with team
- Play around Ultimate cooldown
- Choose between peeling for carries or assassinating priority targets
- Focus on engaging when team can follow up
Power Spikes
- Level 6: Ultimate provides guaranteed lockdown
- Mid game: Core items complete, strong pick potential
- Level 16: Maximum Ultimate rank for frequent engages
Remember that Vi transitions from a strong early game duelist to more of a team-focused initiator as the game progresses. Success depends on capitalizing on early advantages and adapting your role based on team needs.
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