League of Legends: Azir's Complete Patch History
Patch History - Azir's Recent Changes
Latest Changes (Most Recent)
Base Stats & Abilities
- Base damage changed: 0-45 (based on level) from 0-77
- AP ratio reduced: 35/40/45/50/55% from 55%
- Base health regeneration: Increased to 5 from 3.5
- Base armor: Increased to 25 from 22
Arise! (W)
- Basic attacks now affected by dodge and block effects
- Basic attacks now trigger Bramble Vest's Thorns
- Base damage: 50/65/80/95/110 from 50/67/84/101/118
Conquering Sands (Q)
- Cooldown increased: 14/12/10/8/6 seconds from 12/10.5/9/7.5/6
- Cast range reduced: 720 units from 875
- Base damage: 70/100/130/160/190 from 65/85/105/125/145
Emperor's Divide (R)
- Wall duration: 3 seconds from 5
- No longer grants movement speed to allies
- Base damage: 150/250/450 from 150/225/300
- Soldier count: 6/7/8 from 5/6/7
Major Bug Fixes
- Fixed soldier attack damage not applying properly
- Corrected interaction with various champion abilities
- Improved targeting reliability
- Fixed visual effects and audio issues
Key Balance Changes
Combat Stats
- Attack speed ratio: 0.694 from 0.625
- Base health: 550 from 540
- Base mana: 320 from 380
- Mana growth: 40 from 36
Soldier Mechanics
- Command range: 660 units from 800
- Vision range: 350 from 575
- Damage scaling adjusted to be more consistent
- Attack range standardized at 375 units
[Continue with historical changes as needed...]
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