Graves: Complete Jungle Strategy Guide 2024
Graves excels at close-quarters combat near terrain due to his Q's unique mechanics, allowing for burst damage when combined with his Passive. His E provides crucial mobility for dodging skillshots and repositioning, while his W creates chaos by limiting enemy vision.
Key Strengths:
- Strong early game duelist
- Excellent objective control
- High burst damage potential
- Good mobility with E
- Effective near terrain
Key Weaknesses:
- Vulnerable to CC
- Squishy build
- Auto-attacks blocked by minions
- Relies heavily on E cooldown
- Struggles when behind

League of Legends Graves jungle path

Bearded man in YouTube thumbnail
Power Spikes:
- Level 3: Full ability kit unlocked, enabling successful ganks
- Level 6: Ultimate provides strong finishing move
- Level 9: Q maxed, increased burst damage
- Level 11: Enhanced Ultimate damage
- Level 13: Maxed Q and E for optimal dueling
Early Game:
- Focus on aggressive ganking and dueling
- Balance fighting with efficient farming
- Secure early objectives (Drakes/Herald)
Mid Game:
- Continue objective control
- Look for 1v1 skirmishes
- Group for sieging objectives
- Create picks with team
Late Game:
- Stay grouped with team
- Peel for allies in teamfights
- Look for picks with team
- Capitalize on burst damage potential
- Use terrain to maximize Q damage
- Save E for crucial dodges or escapes
- Coordinate W usage with team engages
- Track enemy CC abilities
- Mind minion positioning for auto-attacks
Hard Matchups:
- CC-heavy champions
- Tank junglers
- Early game duelists
Easy Matchups:
- Squishy targets
- Immobile champions
- Late game scalers
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