Faker's Mel Rebuttal Backfires Spectacularly in LCK Cup Match

Faker's Mel Rebuttal Backfires Spectacularly in LCK Cup Match

By Marcus Chen

February 21, 2025 at 04:07 PM

Faker, pro League of Legends player

Faker, pro League of Legends player

Faker, the legendary League of Legends player, recently discovered a crucial interaction with new champion Mel's Rebuttal ability during an LCK Cup 2024 match against HLE. This interaction highlights an important mechanic that players should be aware of when using Mel.

Man with headphones in gaming setup

Man with headphones in gaming setup

Mel's Rebuttal ability creates a barrier that reflects enemy projectiles back at attackers. However, during the match, Faker learned that using Rebuttal against Sylas's Abduct (E) ability can backfire dangerously. When Faker attempted to reflect Sylas's chains, instead of protecting himself, he was pulled under the enemy tower, resulting in his death.

Mel Arcane Councilor from League

Mel Arcane Councilor from League

Key points about Mel's Rebuttal:

  • Works effectively against standard projectiles like hooks from Blitzcrank and Pyke
  • Can backfire against certain abilities like Sylas's E, which uses a different pulling mechanic
  • Has a relatively short cooldown, making it tempting to use frequently
  • Currently being adjusted by Riot through targeted nerfs

The interaction was verified by Vandril, a community bug hunter, who tested Rebuttal against 188 different abilities. Players should be particularly careful when facing Sylas, as he can not only steal ultimates but also use Mel's own defensive ability against her.

[Remaining images maintained as per original content]

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