HOW TO PLAY SMOLDER - Complete Bot Lane Guide
This concise guide outlines Smolder's key strategies and power spikes throughout the game.
Early Game Strategy
- Focus on upgrading Q through enemy damage and kills
- Get level 2 first for favorable trades
- Farm efficiently and punish enemy cooldowns
- Stay close to your Support for protection
Key Abilities
- Q: Main damage source that upgrades with kills
- E: Mobility skill for repositioning and wall jumps
- Ultimate: Strong AOE damage with sustain potential
Power Spikes
- Level 3: Access to all basic abilities
- Level 4: Two points in first ability
- Level 6: Ultimate unlocked
- Level 9: First ability maxed (usually Q)
- Level 11: Second Ultimate point
- Late game: Third Ultimate point and fully upgraded Q
Positioning Tips
- Remain near Support during mid-game
- Avoid solo pushing or isolated positions
- Stay at backline during teamfights
- Use Ultimate strategically, not recklessly
Strategic Objectives
- Take bottom tower first
- Rotate to mid lane for second tower
- Group with team for objectives
- Look for picks with Support/Jungler
- Consider Baron after key enemy kills
- Vulnerable when E is down
- Relies heavily on Support quality
- Needs early lead for optimal Q scaling
- Team-dependent for protection
Remember to maintain proper positioning and stay with your team throughout mid and late game phases for maximum effectiveness.
Similar Champions (Difficulty Level):
- Average
- Hard
- Hard
- Average
Avoid split pushing unless necessary and focus on teamfight positioning for consistent damage output.
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