Complete List of Auto-targeted Abilities in League of Legends
League of Legends features numerous auto-targeted abilities across champions, items, and summoner spells. Here's a comprehensive breakdown:
Champion Abilities Auto-targeted abilities can be categorized into regular cast and proximity-based:
Regular Cast Abilities:
- Ahri's Fox-Fire
- Alistar's Pulverize, Trample, Unbreakable Will
- Diana's Pale Cascade, Moonfall
- Garen's Decisive Strike, Courage, Judgment
- Master Yi's Meditate, Wuju Style, Highlander
- Vayne's Final Hour
Proximity-Based Abilities:
- Evelynn's Hate Spike
- Kai'Sa's Icathian Rain
- Kennen's Electrical Surge
- Lee Sin's Resonating Strike
- Morgana's Soul Shackles
- Twitch's Contaminate
Items with Auto-targeting:
- Eye of the Herald
- Oracle Lens
- Locket of the Iron Solari
- Randuin's Omen
- Shurelya's Battlesong
- Zhonya's Hourglass
- Health Potion
- Refillable Potion
- Elixir of Iron
- Elixir of Sorcery
- Elixir of Wrath
Summoner Spells:
- Barrier
- Clarity
- Cleanse
- Ghost
- Heal
- Hexflash (first cast)
Auto-targeted abilities typically provide reliable effects without requiring precise aim, making them valuable tools for both new and experienced players. These abilities often serve as core mechanics for champion kits and strategic gameplay elements.
Note: This list reflects the current state of League of Legends and may change with future updates and champion releases.
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