Blitzcrank Support Guide: Master The Great Steam Golem in Season 14
Blitzcrank is a powerful engage support champion known for creating fear with his signature Rocket Grab ability. Here's a comprehensive guide to mastering this mechanical menace.
Core Abilities Priority:
- Rocket Grab (Q) - Primary engage tool, hooks and pulls enemies
- Powered Fist (E) - Knockup CC and auto-attack reset
- Overclocked (W) - Movement and attack speed boost
- Static Field (R) - AoE damage and silence

Person wearing gaming headset
Optimal Runes:
- Primary: Aftershock (Inspiration)
- Secondary: Determination
Why Aftershock over Glacial Augment? Aftershock provides better utility since pulled enemies land next to you, while Glacial's slow effect remains at the enemy's original position, making it less effective.
Build Path:
- Starting Items: Steel Shoulderguards, Health Potions
- Core Items: Locket of the Iron Solari, Knight's Vow
- Situational: Dead Man's Plate, Force of Nature, Frozen Heart
Key Gameplay Tips:
- Use Static Field (R) before Rocket Grab to prevent enemy escape abilities
- Time Overclocked (W) carefully - the movement speed debuff after can be punishing
- Maximize hook effectiveness by positioning unpredictably
- Chain CC by following Rocket Grab with Powered Fist
- Focus on hooking priority targets during teamfights
Skill Order:
- Early Game: Q > E > W
- Max Priority: R > Q > W > E (W before E for better positioning)
Exception: Consider maxing E second against heavy frontline compositions where you'll have constant melee encounters.
The key to success with Blitzcrank is mastering hook predictions and understanding when to engage. A single successful grab in the late game can win teamfights and secure objectives.
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