Averdrian: The Cancelled League of Legends Champion That Never Was
Averdrian was a cancelled champion originally designed for League of Legends. Known as "The Astral Guardian," he was later dubbed "The Smurf Abortion" during development.

Grey champion mask silhouette
Development History
- Initially speculated to have been reworked into Heimerdinger, though this was debunked by developer Steven 'Coronach' DeRose
- Averdrian's icon was temporarily used for Malzahar on the PBE
- Lead Effects Artist 'Nocturne' showed dedication to the champion's release through his forum avatar
- Officially confirmed cancelled when featured in a coffin on the 2010 Harrowing map skin
Planned Abilities
- Astral Barrier: Maintained 4 Astral Spirits
- Astral Beam: Fired an unavoidable coiled beam of light dealing damage
- Detonate: Released an energy pulse dealing damage and slowing nearby enemies
- Consume Spirit: Absorbed a Spirit to gain spell damage and create a damage aura
- Lockdown: Channeled ability that immobilized and damaged an enemy for 5 seconds
- Energy Shield (Unused): Granted damage reduction
Notable Facts
- Astral Beam's icon was later repurposed for Hand of Baron buff and Null Sphere
- Design details were extracted from Closed Beta 1 (March 25, 2009)
- The champion's cancellation was symbolically represented by his coffin appearance in the 2010 Harrowing map
Developer commitment to Averdrian's release remained strong until July 2011, when Nocturne's avatar change to Ravager Nocturne signaled the project's ultimate abandonment.
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