Zyra: The Ultimate Support Mage Champion Guide
A deadly and strategic support mage, Zyra excels at zone control and burst damage through her unique plant-based abilities. Her high damage output and strong CC make her particularly effective in the laning phase.
Core Strengths:
- High burst damage potential
- Strong area control through plants
- Reliable crowd control
- Powerful poke damage
Key Weaknesses:
- Extremely fragile (glass cannon)
- No mobility
- Struggles when behind
- Position-dependent
Ability Sequence:
- E (Grasping Roots) - Primary CC and engage tool
- Q (Deadly Blooms) - Main damage ability
- W (Rampant Growth) - Seed placement
- R (Stranglethorns) - Ultimate zone control
Primary Combos:
- Trading: E > W > Q
- All-in: R > E > W > W > Q
- Extended: E > W > W > Q > R > AA
Strategic Tips:
- Control bushes to maximize poke potential
- Position carefully due to lack of mobility
- Use E defensively against melee champions
- Maintain seed management for consistent damage
Best Matchups:
- Strong against enchanters (Sona, Renata, Janna)
- Struggles against long-range mages (Vel'Koz, Xerath, Brand)
Build Path Focus:
- Prioritize AP items with damage-over-time effects
- Build ability haste for spell rotation
- Include magic penetration for scaling
Early Game Priority:
- Establish bush control
- Apply constant pressure through plants
- Set up vision for safety
- Coordinate with ADC for all-in potential
Zyra excels as a carry support, combining high damage output with strong utility. While relatively straightforward to pick up, mastering plant placement and positioning provides significant room for skill expression.
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