Zoe Champion Guide - League of Legends Mid Lane Burst Mage (Patch 15.4.1)
A burst mage with unique spell-stealing abilities, Zoe excels at long-range poke and pick potential. Her success heavily depends on skillshot accuracy and positioning.
Core Abilities Priority
- Q (Paddle Star)
- E (Sleepy Trouble Bubble)
- W (Spell Thief)
- R (Portal Jump)
Key Gameplay Mechanics
- Maximize Q damage by extending travel distance
- Chain passive procs with auto attacks between Q casts
- Collect and utilize enemy summoner spells/active items
- Use R to extend Q range and gain vision
Advanced Combo
- Cast Q backwards
- Run toward target
- Recast Q
- Use R to extend range
- Weave auto attacks between abilities
Essential Tips
- Optimal trade pattern: Q → Auto (Passive) → Q → Auto (Passive)
- Use R cautiously against champions with gap closers
- Collect dropped spells during teamfights for W value
- Position near walls to maximize E effectiveness
Core Build Path
- Starting: Doran's Ring + 2 Health Potions
- Core: Luden's Echo → Sorcerer's Shoes → Shadowflame
- Situational: Rabadon's Deathcap, Void Staff, Horizon Focus
- Strong single-target burst
- Long-range poke
- Unique spell-stealing mechanic
- High skill ceiling
- Skill-shot dependent
- Vulnerable to dive compositions
- Struggles against tanks
- Needs team setup for optimal performance
Best Matchups
- Immobile mages
- Squishy targets
- Champions without gap closers
Counter Play
- Build Mercury Treads
- Pick high-mobility champions
- Stay behind minions to block E
- Avoid dropping summoner spells
Remember: Zoe's effectiveness directly correlates with ability accuracy. Practice positioning and skillshot prediction to maximize impact.
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