Ziggs Mid Lane Guide: Best Builds and Counters for Season 15
Ziggs Mid is an artillery mage who excels at long-range poke and tower destruction. Here's everything you need to know to play him effectively:
Core Build
- Summoner Spells: Flash, Teleport
- Primary Items: Luden's Companion > Sorcerer's Shoes > Liandry's Torment
- Full Build: Add Shadowflame > Rabadon's Deathcap > Void Staff
- Skill Order: Q > E > W
Optimal Runes
- Primary: Arcane Comet, Manaflow Band, Transcendence, Scorch
- Secondary: Coup de Grace, Presence of Mind
- Shards: Adaptive Force (2x), Health Scaling
Key Matchups Strong Against:
- Swain (57.9% WR)
- Varus (56.4% WR)
- Aphelios (56.1% WR)
Weak Against:
- Qiyana (38.4% WR)
- Annie (40.0% WR)
- Akali (42.0% WR)
Pro Tips:
- Use empowered auto-attacks during laning phase
- Poke with Q before teamfights
- Use W to execute towers below 25% health
- Focus on pushing and taking early towers
- Best synergy with engage supports like Pantheon and Poppy
Alternative Builds:
- Blackfire Torch start (50.9% WR)
- Archangel's Staff start (53.3% WR)
- First Strike rune page for scaling (45.9% WR)
Choose items situationally based on enemy team composition and build defensive stats when needed. Prioritize positioning and tower pressure to maximize Ziggs' strengths.
Best Team Synergies:
- Shaco (57.3% WR)
- Pantheon (57.1% WR)
- Poppy (56.3% WR)
- Maokai (55.9% WR)
- Elise (55.7% WR)
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