Ziggs Champion Guide: Master LoL's Hexplosion Expert in Patch 15.4.1
Ziggs is a long-range artillery mage who excels at waveclear and structure destruction. His ability to control multiple lanes simultaneously and siege objectives makes him a valuable pick in both mid and bot lanes.
Passive - Short Fuse
- Basic attacks periodically deal bonus magic damage (scales with level and AP)
- Deals 150% damage to structures (125% AP scaling)
- 12-second cooldown, reduced by 4-6 seconds when using abilities
Q - Bouncing Bomb
- Throws a bouncing bomb that can bounce up to 2 times
- Explodes on enemy contact, dealing AoE magic damage
- Primary waveclear and poke tool
W - Explosive Charge
- Places an explosive that can be detonated after 4 seconds or manually
- Knocks enemies 250 units away from center
- Can launch Ziggs 500 units without damage
- Executes towers below 25-35% HP (scales with ability level)
E - Hexplosive Minefield
- Places 11 mines lasting 10 seconds
- Slows enemies for 1.5 seconds and deals magic damage
- Subsequent mine hits deal 40% damage
- Excellent zone control tool
R - Mega Inferno Bomb
- Massive AoE damage from up to 5000 range
- Reveals area during flight
- Center hits deal 50% bonus damage (110% AP scaling)
- Can affect entire Baron pit
Skill Order Priority
- R - Ultimate (levels 6/11/16)
- Q - Primary damage and waveclear
- E - Zone control and secondary damage
- W - Utility and tower execution
Early Game Options
- Option 1 (Aggressive): Q > W > E > Q
- Option 2 (Sustain): Q > W > Q > E
Core Strategy
- Control waves from safe distance
- Use ultimate to affect other lanes
- Pressure objectives with passive and W execute
- Zone control with E in teamfights
- Position carefully and use W for self-peel
For optimal success, focus on farming safely, maintaining vision control, and coordinating ultimate usage with team objectives.
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