How to Unlock and Use the Gold Rush Effect in Fortnite
The new Gold Rush effect in Fortnite Chapter Six, season two gives players enhanced abilities and can be obtained through multiple methods. Here's everything you need to know about this powerful gameplay mechanic.
How to Get Gold Rush:
- Swim in gold-infused waters near Crime City, Outlaw Oasis, Shiny Shafts, and Lonewolf Lair
- Mine Gold Veins (shiny rocks found near these POIs)
- Pick up and use the Gold Rush Boon (grants effect when opening chests)
- Use Gold Splash (heals 20 HP/shield and grants Gold Rush)

Fortnite player mining gold vein
Gold Rush Effects:
- Increased movement speed
- Faster mining speed
- Enhanced pickaxe damage to structures
- Effect duration: 15 seconds

Fortnite character in gold suit
Strategic Tips:
- Gold Rush locations are typically high-traffic areas
- Effect can be maintained almost continuously in gold-infused areas
- Use the speed boost to chase opponents or escape danger
- Take advantage of faster resource gathering
- Time your Gold Rush activation for maximum tactical advantage
Note: The effect is most valuable in the western part of the map where gold-infused areas are concentrated. Plan your drop location accordingly.
[Remaining images retained as per instructions]
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