Vi Jungle Guide: Mastering the Piltover Enforcer in Season 14
Vi is a straightforward jungler who excels at shutting down enemy carries with her point-and-click ultimate ability. Her simple yet effective playstyle makes her an excellent choice for jungle beginners.
Core Strengths:
- Strong ganking potential with reliable CC
- Point-and-click ultimate with guaranteed engage
- High mobility with Q ability for wall-hopping
- Versatile build paths (bruiser, tank, or assassin)
Key Weaknesses:
- Heavily reliant on landing Q ability
- Can be kited if Q misses
- Weaker late-game scaling
- Must snowball early for maximum effectiveness
Ability Sequence:
- W (Level 1) - Demoralizing Blows
- E (Level 2) - Excessive Force
- Q (Level 3) - Vault Breaker
- Max Q > E > W
- R at levels 6/11/16
Passive: Blast Shield
- Gains shield when hitting abilities
- Cooldown reduces when W procs
- Essential for surviving engages
Core Combos:
- Full Damage: R > AA > E > Q > AA > E
- Flash Engage: Charge Q > Flash > Release Q > AA > E > R > AA > E
Item Build Path:
- Starting: Emberknife + Refillable Potion
- Core: Divine Sunderer > Death's Dance > Black Cleaver
- Situational: Sterak's Gage, Guardian Angel, Force of Nature
Early Game Strategy:
- Start red buff with W
- Look for early ganks post-level 3
- Focus on securing objectives and snowballing lanes
- Use Q for creative gank paths and wall jumps
Teamfight Approach:
- Target priority: Backline carries
- Use ultimate strategically to disrupt enemy formation
- Chain CC with Q after ultimate lands
- Position for follow-up engages with passive shield
- Use Q as auto-attack reset in close combat
- Save ultimate for high-priority targets
- Coordinate engages with team follow-up
- Balance between damage and survivability in builds
Vi excels when played aggressively early game, focusing on snowballing advantages through consistent ganking and objective control. Proper ultimate usage and target selection are crucial for teamfight success.
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