Ultimate Vel'Koz Guide: Master the Void's Geometry
A mage with devastating geometry-based abilities, Vel'Koz excels at long-range poke and area control. His unique skillset and high damage potential make him a formidable midlaner, though he requires significant practice to master.
Skill Priority: Q > W > E
- Max Q first for optimal poke and damage
- Get 3 points in W early for waveclear
- Max E last after completing W
Key Ability Tips:
Q (Plasma Fission):
- Maximum range achieved at 45° angle (1562.65 units)
- Mana refund when killing units
- Can split off minions to hit champions behind them
- Use unpredictable timing on reactivation to catch enemies
W (Void Rift):
- Keep one charge for emergencies
- Essential for waveclear
- Perfect for triggering passive stacks
E (Tectonic Disruption):
- Primary defensive tool
- Use after landing Q for guaranteed hits
- Save for self-peel when needed
R (Life Form Disintegration Ray):
- Low cooldown ultimate
- Best used after landing other abilities
- Maximizes damage through passive procs
Pro Tips:
- Auto attacks extend passive stack duration
- Patient Q usage creates pressure
- Use W charges strategically
- Position safely due to lack of mobility
Core Items:
- Lost Chapter (first buy)
- Liandry's Torment
- Luden's Echo
- Void Staff
- Zhonya's Hourglass
Situational Items:
- Rabadon's Deathcap for maximum damage
- Banshee's Veil against heavy AP
- Morellonomicon vs healing
Focus on positioning, skillshot accuracy, and passive stack management to maximize Vel'Koz's potential. His success relies heavily on player experience and matchup knowledge.
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