Veigar Mid Lane Guide: Mastering the Tiny Master of Evil
Veigar thrives as a late-game AP carry with infinite scaling potential through his Passive. Here's what you need to know to master this powerful mage.
Core Strengths:
- Infinite AP scaling through Passive
- Strong crowd control with Event Horizon (E)
- Excellent at setting up ganks
- Devastating in choke points and closed spaces
Key Weaknesses:
- Immobile and vulnerable to CC
- Weak early game
- Long cooldown on Event Horizon (E)
- Struggles if shut down early
Game Phase Strategy:
Early Game:
- Focus on farming and stacking Q
- Avoid unnecessary fights
- Use E defensively against all-ins
Mid Game:
- Rotate to side lanes for farm and stacks
- Group with team for objectives
- Look for picks with Event Horizon
- Coordinate with team for Drake/Baron after picks
Late Game:
- Stay with team to avoid picks
- Use E to catch priority targets
- Execute squishies with Ultimate
- Control choke points in teamfights
Power Spikes:
Level 6:
- Access to full combo
- Strong kill pressure with Ultimate
Level 9:
- Maxed Q for consistent damage
- Strong poke potential
Level 11:
- Enhanced Ultimate damage
- One-shot potential on squishies
Level 16:
- Maximum Ultimate power
- Short E cooldown
- Devastating AP scaling
Tips for Success:
- Stack Passive consistently throughout the game
- Position safely and near team
- Use E proactively for picks and defensively for peel
- Focus on farm early, kills will come naturally with items
- Coordinate with jungler for early ganks
Remember: Veigar transforms from a vulnerable early game mage into an unstoppable late-game force through careful farming and strategic patience.
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