Veigar Bot Lane APC Guide - Complete Champion Strategy
Early game, focus on safely farming and stacking your passive with Q. Use your cage (E) defensively to prevent engages. Last hit with Q whenever possible to maximize AP stacks.
Mid game revolves around coordinating with your support to land cage stuns and burst combos (E > W > Q). Save ultimate for low health targets to maximize execution damage. Focus on clearing waves and securing objectives.
In the late game, Veigar becomes a terrifying presence. Position safely behind your team and look to trap priority targets in your cage. A single combo can eliminate carries. Use your zoning potential to control objectives.
Key abilities:
- Passive: Gain permanent AP stacks from hitting champions and farming with Q
- Q: Long range skillshot that hits 2 targets and grants AP stacks
- W: Delayed AoE damage, spam late game with CDR
- E: Cage that stuns enemies who touch walls
- R: Point-click ultimate that deals massive damage to low HP targets
Core build:
- Starting: Doran's Ring + 2 Potions
- Core: Everfrost > Rabadon's > Void Staff
- Boots: Sorcerer's Shoes
- Situational: Zhonya's, Banshee's
- Farm safely early, abuse Q stacking
- Use cage reactively to counter engages
- Save ultimate for execute damage
- Position behind frontline
- Focus on objective control with zoning
- Scale into late game monster
- Land cage stuns for team follow-up
Avoid forcing risky plays early. Your goal is to safely farm and scale into late game where your infinite AP scaling makes you unstoppable. Use the cage's zoning potential to control objectives and protect your team.
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