Ultimate Ahri Mid Lane Guide: Tips, Builds & Strategy
Mastering Ahri requires understanding her unique strengths and limitations as a mobile burst mage assassin. Her passive provides valuable sustain in lane, while her charm (E) enables strong pick potential throughout the game.
Core Strengths:
- Excellent mobility with Spirit Rush (R)
- Strong pick potential with Charm (E)
- Good sustain through passive healing
- Effective wave clear with Orb of Deception (Q)
Early Game (Levels 1-5):
- Focus on farming and getting Lost Chapter
- Use Q to simultaneously harass and farm
- Track enemy jungler and position safely
- Trade aggressively at level 2 with Q+E combo
Mid Game (Levels 6-11):
- Roam after shoving waves when Ultimate is available
- Look for picks on overextended enemies
- Swap to side lanes for better chase potential
- Use vision control to set up flanks
Late Game (Level 12+):
- Focus on catching isolated targets
- Set up death brushes around waves
- Flank enemy backline during teamfights
- Use last Ultimate charge as escape if needed
Power Spikes:
- Level 2: Q + E combo available
- Level 6: Ultimate unlocks pick potential
- Level 9: Q maxed for wave clear
- Level 11: Second Ultimate rank
- Level 16: Maximum Ultimate charges
Key Weaknesses:
- Vulnerable without Ultimate
- Skill shot dependent
- Struggles against heavy CC
- Falls off late game against tanky teams

Woman with bright pink hair
Tips for Success:
- Use fog of war to your advantage
- Fight in jungle corridors for multiple Q hits
- Coordinate picks with team around objectives
- Balance aggressive plays with Ultimate cooldown
- Prioritize squishy targets in late game
Similar Champions:
- LeBlanc (Hard)
- Katarina (Hard)
- Annie (Average)
- Zed (Hard)
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