Best Ahri Mid Lane Counter Picks & Strategies
Laning Against Ahri
Ahri is most vulnerable when her Charm (E) and Ultimate are on cooldown. Exploit these windows to trade or engage. Position strategically near minion waves - close enough to use them as cover from Charm, but outside to force Ahri to choose between waveclear or poke with her Q.

Ahri the Nine-Tailed Fox
Best Counter Picks:
- Neeko: Strong lane presence, easy CC setup
- Kassadin: Magic shield and mobility to dodge skillshots
- Cassiopeia: Outscales and outsustains
- Talon: Strong all-in potential
- Karma: Safe laning and utility
Effective Strategies:
- Build early magic resistance to reduce her burst potential
- Track and ping her roams after level 6
- Keep waves near your tower to enable ganks
- Punish her when Ultimate is down (long cooldown early)
- Trade aggressively pre-6 when she's weakest
Key Power Spikes:
- Level 6: Gains mobility and chase potential with Ultimate
- First item completion: Significant damage increase
- Mid-game: Strong roaming and pick potential
Counter Tips:
- Dodge Charm to avoid her full combo
- Build Mercury Treads or Null-Magic Mantle early
- Push wave when she roams to punish map movement
- Request jungle assistance when her Ultimate is down
- Don't overextend when low health - she excels at executing weak targets
Worst Matchups:
- Naafiri
- Katarina
- Vex
- Yasuo
- Veigar
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