Tristana Guide: The Complete Champion Guide for Season 15
Precision-based marksman Tristana excels in the botlane with exceptional late-game scaling and powerful early all-in potential.
Champion Overview:
- Role: Marksman (ADC)
- Lane: Bottom
- Difficulty: Moderate
- Patch: 15.4.1
Abilities & Passive:
- Passive (Draw a Bead): Increases attack range with each level (+8 range per level)
- Q (Rapid Fire): Grants bonus attack speed for 7 seconds
- W (Rocket Jump): Leaps to target location, dealing magic damage and slowing enemies
- E (Explosive Charge): Places a detonating bomb that can be charged with attacks
- R (Buster Shot): Deals magic damage and knocks back target enemy
Key Mechanics:
- W cooldown resets on maximally charged E explosions or champion takedowns
- E can be stacked up to 4 times with basic attacks and abilities
- Attack range scales from 525 to 661 at level 18
Skill Priority:
- E - Explosive Charge (Max First)
- Q - Rapid Fire
- W - Rocket Jump
- R - Ultimate at levels 6/11/16
Core Build Path: Starting Items:
- Doran's Blade
- Health Potion
Main Items:
- Infinity Edge
- Phantom Dancer
- Bloodthirster
- Last Whisper
Playstyle Tips:
- Use E's passive to assist with farming
- Maximize E damage by stacking charges quickly
- Save W for escapes unless confident in securing a kill
- Utilize R for both peel and burst damage
- Position safely using your increasing range advantage
Tristana scales exceptionally well into late game while maintaining strong early all-in potential with her E-W combination. Focus on farming safely early while looking for opportunities to engage when your support provides setup.
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